Sunday 13 December 2015

CLaSsRoOm MaNaGeMenT ♥

Classroom Management can divided by two Category :

For example  : a) Based on Psycial 
                        b) Based on Psychology

What i learned from pysical activity is based on environment such as the decoration surrounding of the classroom for change the students mood level. From this they may interest for study at classroom.
Then, from the pysical mind can change the students lifestyle, effective teaching requires considerable skill in managing the myriad of tasks and situations that occur in the classroom each day. Skills such as effective classroom management are central to teaching. Moreover, sitting pattern with interaction of students and the arrangement also need to more creative. Then the sitting arrangement for teacher mobility also included. 

Based on psychology we need to attention for discipline, structure and instuction. This one research from effective classroom management. Proffesional responsibility teach to improve the psychology mind. Classroom teachers with many years of experience have to contributed to an understanding of works and what doesn't work in managing classrooms and the behavior of students. The following information represents some of the things that good classroom teachers to do maintain an atmosphere enhances learning. It is written in straight forward, non-preachy language, and will not drive you to distraction with its length. I think most students appreciate that. With that in mind, i truly hope this information is useful to us. 

Thursday 19 November 2015

Teaching - Learning Styles ♥

Teaching - Learning Styles

For me many teachers who use learning styles and multiple intelligences in their classrooms wonder how important it is for students to know about these models. Experience has taught us that students who understand the models are better able to understand their own learning profiles that are to develop flexibility and adaptability in their thinking, and to set realistic goals about minimising learning weaknesses and maximising strengths. I've learned that a Learning theory of educational philosophy that many educators began to consider in the 1990's. 

As we learned , students required to use their prior knowledge & experiences to formulated new related or adaptive concepts in learning. As a teacher or facilitators to provide guidelines then the learners or construct their own knowledge. 

               The purposes to enable students to acquire information readily understood or usable. 

  • Active listening  : Learning activity should be interesting and challenging. 


- Active listening - Authentic & situated learning - Bridging   - Scaffolding   -Communities of learners     -Reflection

                                    Theory - Based Direct Instruction 

     * To help students learn academic content in           the most straight forward way :
           > Mastery Teaching 
           > Direct Instructions System For                             Teaching & Learning (DISTAR)

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Co-Operative Learning

What is cooperative learning?
* Cooperative learning involves students working together in small groups to accomplish shared goals.

Five Element in Cooperative Learning : a)  knowledge       d)  Skill
                                                                        b)  Behaviour          e)  Synthesis
                                                                        c)   Value 
Student Teams , Achievement Division ( STAD ) : 

Key Elements of Cooperative Learning :
  • Positive interdependence
  • Face to face interaction
  • Group Accountability
  • Interpersonal and small group skill
  • Group processing    

1. Positive Interdependence
Positive interdependence exists when students perceive that they are
linked to other members in the group in such a way that they cannot
succeed unless they all do and they must coordinate their efforts with each
other in order to complete the task. 

2. Group Accountability

(a) Being responsible for part of the task;
(b) Reporting to the group on their progress;
(c) Reporting on the group’s progress to the whole class
(d)Being rewarded (e.g., receiving bonus points) on the basis of all group
     members completing their tasks/goals.

3. Face to face Interaction
 Means challenging each other’s conclusion.

4. Interpersonal and Small group Skills
Interpersonal skills:
(a) Actively listening
(b) Stating ideas freely
(c) Accepting responsibility
(d) Providing constructive criticism
Small group skills:
(a) Taking turns
(b) Sharing tasks
(c) Democratic decision making
(d) Perspective taking
(e) Clarifying differences 

5. Group Processing
(a) Describing what members actions were helpful and unhelpful

(b) Making decisions about what actions to continue or change.
Teams Games Tournament (TGT)
Team Assisted Individualization (TAI)
 - Individual but team Assisted
 - Help from team 
Cooperative Integrated Reading @ Composition (CIRC)
 - Individual 
 - Group Accountability 

Tuesday 3 November 2015

SchooL Of Thought ♥

Hello everyone.  Here i want to share something about the topic school of thought . That we can divide it in three categories such as cognitive, behavioural and humanistic.Firstly, Cognitive for example that approach constitutes a logical method for organising and interpreting learning. Such as engage in intellectual task :- To recall, to understand , to apply, to breakdown, to combine, to judge the information given. In my perception , cognitive is the school of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think,perceive,remember and learn.

Secondly, behaviourist. According to this , behavioural psychology is the study of external behaviour. Behaviour is the response of an organism to stimuli. Theoretical framework was developed in the early 20th century with the animal learning experiments of Ivan Pavlor, Edward Thondike, Edward C.Tolman, B.F.Skinner, and others. Reflective process ( Behaviour Modification ) by B.F.Skinner. Molding all children to conform by use of standard punishment and rewards. 

Thirdly, humanist. Based on this , i learn that beliefs of the humanistic school. Humanistic approaches to teaching and learning. For example, promotes personal development which includes values clarification,moral,character education and (multiethnic) education. I concluded  having good feelings about oneself is essential to positive personal development and may enhance academic achievement. The school also should be made to fit the child rather than the child made to fit the school.

Eventually, I learn from this topic about the collection or group of people who share common characteristics of opinion or outlook of a philosophy and social movement.

Monday 2 November 2015

About Pedagogy ..!!

What is Pedagogy ?

"Walk with them ...Work with them ,alongside them".

What is pedagogy ? In my Perception, Pedagogy is another word for education,the profession and science of teaching. Many discussions of pedagogy make the mistake of seeing it as primarily being about teaching. In this piece Mark K.Smith explores the origins of pedagogy and the often overlooked traditions of thinking and practise associated with it. He argues that a focus on teaching as a specialist role is best understood in other ways. Pedagogy needs to be explored through the thinking and practise of those educators who look to accompany learners ; care for and about them;and bring learning into life. Teaching is just one aspect of their practise. He also looks to some of the issues facing the development of pedagogical thinking.      

       In my view, a common way of approaching pedagogy is as the art and science (and maybe even craft) of teaching. As we will see, viewing pedagogy in this way both fails to honour the historical experiences and to connect crucial areas of theory and practise. Here we suggest that a good way of exploring pedagogy is as the process of accompanying learners;caring for and about them;and bringing learning into life.     
         In my opinion. i think good pedagogy is about guiding students to learning. It's about posing challenges,asking the right questions and presenting relevant problems for learners to explore , answer and solve. Moreover, summarizing true pedagogy is where educators transport their students to a place where they will be amazed by the wonders of the world they live within.

As One Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once said : ' Wisdom begins in wonder '.


OBJECTIVES ...My Philosophy and Goals in Life ♥ ..

Hye Everyone, I Am Tamilarai D/O Jaya Raman and you can call me Tamil. I was born in Taiping,Perak and i was raised up in Serdang, Kedah. Well, when i was nineteen ill finish up my STPM level at SMK Serdang,Kedah. Then i continued my degree at Unitar International University. Now im doing my fourth sem. Hope this sem would be grateful to me. Basically, my favourite food will be my moms cooking ,but at my hometown 'Youtiao' is my favourite one. ' Youtiao' also known as the Chinese cruller,Chinese oil stick and fried breadstick. This one is very famous in my hometown. My Hobbies are reading novels, story books, and listening songs. It could help me to reduce my tensions and make me to feel better . When i was child my ambition is want to become a doctor when i grew up i change my ambition as a teacher. Because i really love to become a teacher and i enjoyed to teach for students. The main reason i choose to become a teacher is my experience when i was study in primary school . My role model is my class teacher who teach me the lessons of life and who make me interest to choose this job. More than about that, i love my family so much and without my siblings im nothing. I love my friends too. There are my another family. Thats all about me i want to share here. 

My Philosophy On Setting Goals : 

I’ve not been much of a goal-setter in the past. I’ve achieved things I wanted to achieve. And I’ve challenged myself to push a bit harder, to stretch myself, and (for the most part) to finish what I start. But I’ve not been one to sit down at the beginning of the year and think, “OK, what do I want to achieve personally and professionally this year and how am I going to get there?” And obviously if I wasn’t writing firm yearly goals, I wasn’t conducting quarterly reviews of my progress and analyzing my results. I think one reason for this goal setting neglect has a lot to do with my personality type. I am highly motivated to achieve, especially when I’m inspired, passionate, or invested in some way. This has been my key to reaching “goals.”  There’s something I’m inspired to do, and dang if I don’t just get it done.  I’m not completely sure how or why, but something inside just urges me forward.
"When you set goals and achieve them, other good things happen too "!!!
My Teaching Philosophy and Goals
Learning is a language is not a luxury any longer. It is very important skill in order to survive in the multidiverse society of today. As we know, the world is becoming a global village. By learning a new language,students become aware of their place in the world. As a teacher, i will be inclined to use my multicultural teaching to compare the facts between the native language and the target language.
Second, motivation is another strong point in my teaching philosophy. I want to promote a positive environment in my classes. I don't want my classroom to be a teacher dominated monologue. That is why i will insure that all the students will participate by encouraging class discussion. Above all, dialogue with students is one of the most important aspects of my teaching.
The process of becoming a fine teacher is in permanent transformation and i will need to update my permanent transformation and i will need to update my practises on a regular basis and have a clear philosophy for these practises. 
                Thank You :)