Thursday 19 November 2015

Teaching - Learning Styles ♥

Teaching - Learning Styles

For me many teachers who use learning styles and multiple intelligences in their classrooms wonder how important it is for students to know about these models. Experience has taught us that students who understand the models are better able to understand their own learning profiles that are to develop flexibility and adaptability in their thinking, and to set realistic goals about minimising learning weaknesses and maximising strengths. I've learned that a Learning theory of educational philosophy that many educators began to consider in the 1990's. 

As we learned , students required to use their prior knowledge & experiences to formulated new related or adaptive concepts in learning. As a teacher or facilitators to provide guidelines then the learners or construct their own knowledge. 

               The purposes to enable students to acquire information readily understood or usable. 

  • Active listening  : Learning activity should be interesting and challenging. 


- Active listening - Authentic & situated learning - Bridging   - Scaffolding   -Communities of learners     -Reflection

                                    Theory - Based Direct Instruction 

     * To help students learn academic content in           the most straight forward way :
           > Mastery Teaching 
           > Direct Instructions System For                             Teaching & Learning (DISTAR)

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