Wednesday 18 November 2015

Co-Operative Learning

What is cooperative learning?
* Cooperative learning involves students working together in small groups to accomplish shared goals.

Five Element in Cooperative Learning : a)  knowledge       d)  Skill
                                                                        b)  Behaviour          e)  Synthesis
                                                                        c)   Value 
Student Teams , Achievement Division ( STAD ) : 

Key Elements of Cooperative Learning :
  • Positive interdependence
  • Face to face interaction
  • Group Accountability
  • Interpersonal and small group skill
  • Group processing    

1. Positive Interdependence
Positive interdependence exists when students perceive that they are
linked to other members in the group in such a way that they cannot
succeed unless they all do and they must coordinate their efforts with each
other in order to complete the task. 

2. Group Accountability

(a) Being responsible for part of the task;
(b) Reporting to the group on their progress;
(c) Reporting on the group’s progress to the whole class
(d)Being rewarded (e.g., receiving bonus points) on the basis of all group
     members completing their tasks/goals.

3. Face to face Interaction
 Means challenging each other’s conclusion.

4. Interpersonal and Small group Skills
Interpersonal skills:
(a) Actively listening
(b) Stating ideas freely
(c) Accepting responsibility
(d) Providing constructive criticism
Small group skills:
(a) Taking turns
(b) Sharing tasks
(c) Democratic decision making
(d) Perspective taking
(e) Clarifying differences 

5. Group Processing
(a) Describing what members actions were helpful and unhelpful

(b) Making decisions about what actions to continue or change.
Teams Games Tournament (TGT)
Team Assisted Individualization (TAI)
 - Individual but team Assisted
 - Help from team 
Cooperative Integrated Reading @ Composition (CIRC)
 - Individual 
 - Group Accountability 

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